Continuing to in Thanet, Wheels of Time sites in Margate are:
Margate Museums a unique building in the centre of the old town, houses artefacts covering the towns history back for 3,500 years. Exhibits include a GAMAR system, a type of interactive journey on i-pads or i-phones. as well as a reconstructed Donkey used by Sunbeam Photographic Company for younger children to have photographs taken. We also have a couple of Victorian style cut outs to be photographed through. There is a photographic competition for younger visitors to recognise some of the artefacts.
Crab Museum a science museum that uses crabs as a lens to combine seemingly disparate fields of knowledge and create links between the human and natural world. From the giant claw of the scandalous famous Margate Crab to a diorama of Crabton-on-Tyne, a 1920s model village populated by giant crabs, Crab museum is your one stop shop for the curious world of the crustacean!
Tudor House Is unfortunately closed for repairs.